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Why do I have sedation?
Intravenous sedation is used to help people who are anxious cope with dental treatment. It is also useful if you are to have a surgical procedure performed.
How is it given?
IV sedation involves a small injection of a sedative (midazolam) into your arm. Soon after the injection you will start to feel relaxed and possibly drowsy.
Is it safe?
IV sedation is a very safe procedure due to the nature of the drugs used and monitoring systems.
What does it feel like? Will I be asleep?
IV sedation does not make you go to sleep. You will feel relaxed but can respond when spoken to. Time will appear to pass very quickly and most people remember very little of the treatment afterwards. You may feel as if you have been to sleep.
Sedation doesn't make your mouth numb. You will still have local anaesthetic (an injection in the mouth to numb your tooth being treated).